Amulets Collection: Earrings, necklaces, rings

The objects made in collaboration with Moroccan artisans aim to discover local materials and typical techniques,
combining them with Venetian 'savoir-faire' and aesthetics, thus generating new and special dialogues.

Relight Venice invites people to travel consciously in his city, but he himself is also trying to move and build bridges.

My way of travelling is authentic and slow: I love discovering countries, together with their inhabitants and their traditions.
The already strong bond that has arisen from these wanderings is the one with Morocco.

Encountering this country and its culture, I took an interest in and learnt techniques such as
brass engraving and wood painting, which are usually used in furniture making.
Unfortunately, these forms of craftsmanship are disappearing, devoured by the fast and cheap products of multinationals.
My wish was to create a series of objects that would embed these precious techniques in themselves, so that they would not disappear.
Thus were born various pieces that connect two worlds and many different people, objects that celebrate special encounters, traditions and new collaborations: through craftsmanship one thus travels in an authentic way.

The origin of the term “amulet” is still uncertain, but it may derive from the Latin: a-molior (to ward off, keep away).
This is because these objects, almost magical, would serve to keep bad luck away.
These objects, bearers of tradition and communion between cultures, seem to have this magical aura pervading them:
a wish for good luck and fortune for the wearer or the recipient.